We use PayPal and Stripe payment gateways for secure payment processing. We accept online EFT and credit card payment via PayPal and we accept Visa and MasterCard credit card payment processed securely by Stripe (we do not access or store any credit card details directly).


We use the Stripe Payment Gateway for online credit card transactions. Stripe processes online credit card transactions for thousands of merchants, providing a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the Internet. All online credit card transactions performed on this site using the Stripe gateway are secured payments.

For more information about Stripe and online credit card payments, please visit


PayPal is an easy and safe way to make payments online or using mobile technology. PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to PayPal's using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available). Before you even register or log in to the PayPal site, their server checks that you're using an approved browser - one that uses SSL 3.0 or higher. Once your information reaches the PayPal site, it resides on a server that is heavily guarded both physically and electronically. PayPal servers sit behind an electronic firewall and are not directly connected to the internet, so your private information is available only to authorized computers.

For more information about PayPal accounts and security, please visit


Felicity ESS relies on Felicity Group’s 17 years of professional experience in photovoltaic energy storage. It is a company focusing on the mid-to-high-end energy storage, integrating R&D, production, sales, A high-tech enterprise serving photovoltaic energy storage.


  7135N muscatel ave,San Gabriel,91775,CA,USA